Today we will look at adding some
HTML/JAVA code to our blogspot site. My hope is that you attempt to add a code to your page over the break. We will start the new year looking at HTML code.
You can get random code by going on to different sites from a search of "Widgets", "Gadgets", Apps. Not all will work, you might have to experiment with different sites and widgets. Here are some links that I have found that work. Remember once you have copied the code, you will add it to your site while in the desing/layout mode select new gadget and then select the HTML/Java Code gadget.
Gadget Tips
Tips for Creating you Own Gadget
Here is a code that adds a Quote of the Day to your page. From calendar
<!-------Do not change below this line-------><div align="center"><iframe align="center" src="" width="188" height="210" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no allowtransparency='true'>Loading...</iframe><center><div style="width:180px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:8px;margin-top:1px;">Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">Calendar Labs</a></div></center></div><!-------Do not change above this line------->
Have an enjoyable holiday see you in the new year!