Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Things to try in 2nd Semester

Tilt Shift photo and video effects. The effect can be don in Gimp.

Tilt Shift Video- This link shows how to do on Gimp but with an added on effect, that I do not think the standard Gimp comes with. Check this.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Adding HTML/JAVA Coding to Blogspot

Today we will look at adding some HTML/JAVA code to our blogspot site.  My hope is that you attempt to add a code to your page over the break. We will start the new year looking at HTML code.

You can get random code by going on to different sites from a search of "Widgets", "Gadgets", Apps.  Not all will work, you might have to experiment with different sites and widgets.  Here are some links that I have found that work. Remember once you have copied the code, you will add it to your site while in the desing/layout mode select new gadget and then select the HTML/Java Code gadget.

Gadget Tips
Tips for Creating you Own Gadget

Here is a code that adds a Quote of the Day to your page. From calendar lab.com

<!-------Do not change below this line-------><div align="center"><iframe align="center" src="http://www.calendarlabs.com/calendars/web-content/quot.php?cid=101&uid=319777201&c=random&l=en&cbg=000000&cb=2&cbc=FFFFFF&cf=calibri&cfg=FFFFFF&qfs=bi&qta=right&tfg=FFFFFF&tfs=bi&afc=FFFFFF&afs=i" width="188" height="210" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no allowtransparency='true'>Loading...</iframe><center><div style="width:180px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:8px;margin-top:1px;">Powered by <a href="http://www.calendarlabs.com/" target="_blank">Calendar Labs</a></div></center></div><!-------Do not change above this line------->

Have an enjoyable holiday see you in the new year!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Student made Blogspot Sites.

The assignment for the last couple of days is for the student to create a blogspot.com site of their own. Once you have created a site I would like you to comment and leave your blogspot link  on this thread so other classmates can follow you.  It is also my hope that you will explore this site over the holiday break.  Mr. Connor

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Blogspot Time

Here we go. So I decided that before this Holiday season break each student will create a blogspot site for themselves, giving them time over the break, if they wish, to explore the site and the widgets. Here is the Hillside-high.blogspot.com page as an example.

Template Page

Today we will create a template for your page.


Cube Project

Students are to take six photos and resize them to be 2 x 2 inches in size. They shall make a 2 x 2 x 2 cube and place the six pictures onto the cube.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Famous Person Assigment

Look who dropped by the classroom today. With our continued work on the software app Gimp the student are to replace their face with someone they consider a superstar or famous person. The assignment involves the use of scale, rotation, perspective, and the use of varying paint tools.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Add Color to B&W photo.

To make this photo illusion work you first need a color image.  Convert the image to B&W , save it and reopen it.  Now reopen the original color image. Using the lasso tool select a portion of the image, copy it and paste to the B& W image. Save.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Friday

Students make their own modifications to a photo.  Before and after photos.


Today the student will combine  two images. One image of themselves into an image of a billboard.

Here is the original photo of the billboard.

Now the billboard with student photos included.

Bill Boards